Friday, July 27, 2001

He'd All Growed Up

Dear Lost Souls,

The Haberdashery, with much pride and sorrow, is sending off another of its hollowed sons to the eastern frontiers of this great land.  Andy will be moving to the City of Brotherly Love next week to ply his craft of brainstudyology.  Andy will be stopping by later on his evening to hoist a final cup and receive any final tidbits of advise from us, his trusted panel of deviants.  Andy has asked that you keep all going away presents to under $50,000 and refrain gifts of domestic animals that might inappropriate for urban, shoebox living arrangements.   

As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie of linger indefinitely.


Friday, July 20, 2001

CAYA; Victim Relief for the California Experience

Dear Lost Souls,

Congratulations to you all for surviving yet another difficult week in the struggling paradise we call California . . . another traumatic seven days living with the prospect of your local espresso bar experiencing a crippling blackout . . . the evil George W. picking on us for being so self-important . . . or even worse . . . ignoring us for being so self-important.  These are, indeed, difficult times.

In an attempt to help you to cope with the stress of our crippling way of life, the Haberdashery will be hosting a support group for victims of the California Experience this Friday at 7:30pm in the primary ballroom at our 2107 Hearst Avenue facility.  Specially designed medications and unsolicited advise will be distributed liberally in a loving and supportive environment of non contractual fellowship.

Please feel free to stop by for a quickie or linger indefinitely.

Yours in or collective struggle,

Friday, July 13, 2001

The Cosmic Mill

Dear Lost Souls,

Onward grinds the Cosmic Mill that leads us to our weekly constitution.  Friday looms thirsty on the temporal horizon, beckoning you back to the shaded sanctuary of the Haberdashery.  Check you cares at the door and join us for a retreat from the profane.

Cocktail hour is on for Friday night.  I will be coming from the airport and will not be home until about 8pm, so please hold off your arrival until then.  As always, feel free to stop by for a quickie or linger indefinitely.


Neither fire nor wind,
birth nor death
can erase our good deeds.
- Budda

Friday, July 6, 2001

Dear Lost Souls,

Strike the trummel and raise high the glad tambourines.  Our prodigal sons return.  Yes, Cocktail Hour is on and there is much to celebrate in the coming weeks . . . not that this has been a hindrance in the past.  Eric is returning from Italy this evening; redolent of marble dust and Tuscan cuisine.  After his long day of travel, I am not sure if he will muster the energy to raise a toast with us or not . . . but I am guessing yes.  Next week Andy will be returning from India and Nepal and Chris Strain will be returning from a land even more mysterious and frightening . . . Florida.  So, consider this Friday a warm up for next Friday.  Next Friday will likely be a Barbecue.  I am not planning on cooking this Friday, but be prepared to participate in desert as well as our usual array of alchemy.  We will convene tonight at approximately 7:30pm at 2107 Hearst Avenue.

Please feel free to stop by for a quickie of linger indefinitely.


P.S.  Andy will be in town starting on the 11th for a few days.  He needs a place to crash for a few days.  I already have a guest those days and would rather not cram in another.  Let me know if anybody has a spare piece of carpet to lend our wayward son.

CAYA; Crap, Nap & Pine

Dear Lost Souls,

Behold the weather Crap, Crap, Crap
Behold the Sun, it naps, naps, naps

Behold the Haberdashery, it shine, shines, shines For your presence, it pines, pines, pines!!

Cocktail hour is on!!  Brave the tempest and join us for the sanctuary and warmth of our weekly constitution of fellowship.  I promise:  No more poetry.  Please feel free to stop by for a quickie (please notice revised spelling!) or linger indefinitely.


Thursday, July 5, 2001

Independence Day!

Dear Lost Souls,

The Summer is flying by and the days are already getting shorter, but the prospect of our weekly constitution continues . . . for now.

Yes, my Postmodern Patriots, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening. It is once again time for Sabbath services at the Church of Mixology. It's a three day weekend . . . and what better way to slide into a Yankee Doodle Dandy mood than sipping a good ole' red blooded American cocktail of your choice in the company of our dedicated band of social under-achievers. Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm . . . when our tireless Sons and Daughters of the American Devolution will be on hand to whistle up a fluid tune or two for your patriotic palette. So come on by, and let's hoist one for Old Glory!

As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue . . . or to linger indefinitely . . .
