Thursday, February 28, 2002

The Prodigal Sun Returns

Dear Lost Souls,

Behold the Sun!
It taunts you to increase your daily intake of joy.
Will you sit idly by while its arrogance shines bright?
I thought not!
Let us unite in our defiance,
Quenching our collective thirst from winter's solar drought!

Yes Cocktail Hour is on.  Please join us at our usual place and time to toast the coming of brighter days and approaching barbecues.  Cocktails will be served starting at 7:30pm. Please feel free to stop by for a quickie or linger indefinitely.


Thursday, February 21, 2002

Going for the Gold!

Dear Lost Souls,

Congratulations!!  The Haberdashery was honored with a Gold Medal in Residential Recycling from the City of Berkeley after our performance at the Mardi Gras party.  We received a gold in the glass category and a silver in the plastic category.  Reached for comment, spokesman Greg Dolge had this to say: "what? . . . . what? . . . "  Bartender, Frank Hoppe remarked: "All the credit goes to the troops.  There is no "I" in Hoppe.  All I did was set 'em up.  You all did a bang up job of knockin' em down."  This Friday night we will be celebrating our stunning performance the only way we know how . . . Pea Soup.
Yes Cocktail Hour is on for tonight and you are envited to come share a cup of cheer with us at our usual place and time.  Please feel free to stop by for a quickie, or linger indefinitely.

Hope to see you there!

PS.  Barbecue season looms large.

Thursday, February 14, 2002

Come As You Are - 362 days to go!! - Beat the Rush!

Dear Lost Souls,

Only 362 days until Mardi Gras!  To begin to prepare, the Haberdashery will be gathering at its usual time and place tonight.
Yes, Friday Night Cocktail Hour is on.  Please feel free to stop by for a Quickie . . . or  . . . youknowthedrill.


Wednesday, February 6, 2002

Mardi Gras 2002 - Come As You Are

Hello hello!
You are hereby invited to this year's Mardi Gras Celebration at the Haberdashery.  Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is actually on February 12th this year.  We will be celebrating the weekend before . . . which is also the big weekend to celebrate in New Orleans.  So, if you are in New Orleans this coming weekend . . . you are excused from the party . . . otherwise . . . we'll see you there!  The preparations are well underway and we are hoping that you will come help us make this year's party a big success.

The real party is all day Saturday, but we will start ramping up on Friday night at our usual Friday Night Cocktail hour, which starts around 7:30pm.    First thing Saturday morning (that is midmorning in my world) there will be Bloody Mary's and lots of chopping for those who want to show up early and learn some of the insider secrets of the day's menu.  Frank Ireland Hoppe will be our celebrity bar tender this year and will be featuring Hurricanes (beware . . . they call 'em "Hurricanes" for a reason) as well as a full bar selection.  You are encouraged to test the limits of his genius.  The main wave of food will be served in the late afternoon . . . say around 5pm.  Desert will follow later into the evening.  There will be lots of beads, lots of food and (if past years are good indicators), the company will be outstanding!!  Please come with a healthy appetite and a plan for getting home safely.

The festivities will be at:
2107 Hearst Avenue
North Berkeley at the corner of Hearst and Shattuck I believe that all of you should know how to get there but, if you need directions or have any questions please give me a call:

I know that there are lots of busy people out there, so please feel free to stop by for a quickie . . . or linger indefinitely.

Yous, Greg

Friday, February 1, 2002

Come As You Are: T -8 Days

Dear Lost Souls,

Fat Tuesday looms large.  We are looking forward to seeing you all at the Mardi Gras festivities next Saturday.  In the mean time, the show must go on:
Yes, Cocktail Hour is on for tonight.  You are invited to join us for a beverage of your choice beginning at 7:30pm at 2107 Hearst Avenue. If you have other plans for the evening, please feel free to stop by for a quickie on your way, or to linger through the evening.
