Thursday, April 24, 2003

No Cocktail Hour this Week

Dear Lost Souls,
I will not be able to host Cocktail Hour this Friday night. I am studying and then taking a professional exam early on Saturday morning. The good news is that knowing land use law, shift share economic base analysis and Chi squared will no doubt improve my ability to mix quality drinks for you next week!

Thursday, April 17, 2003

CAYA - A Better Friday

Dear Lost Souls,
While this is sure to be a Good Friday, we would dare to offer you the possibility of a Better Friday with the added infusion of your collective celebrity. Yes, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday and you are invited to join us as we hoist our glasses in honor of our survival of yet another paschal season . . . not that I suffered. We will be serving up our usual brand of alchemy and intellectual shelter to ease you into the weekend and out of the burdens of your week. Pleased to be home to your Last Resort, we invite you to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue or to linger indefinitely.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Come As You Are - Mayflowers Anticipated

Dear Lost Souls,

Cursed be the rain but blessed be the shelter of familiar faces. Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday night. You are invited to stop by for a taste of our usual alchemy and fellowship . . . although the unusual is always encouraged. Please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your Friday night venue of choice, or to linger indefinitely under the canopy of our collective dreams.


Thursday, April 3, 2003

No Cocktail Hour - Our dedication to research

Dear Lost Souls,
There will be no Cocktail Hour this Friday (April 4th), or the following Friday (April 11th). I will, instead, be engaged in tireless research on the east coast, studying the culinary and alchemy skills of our eastern brothers and sisters. This variety of continuing education is only indicative of our dedication to making your Friday night experience as diverse and pleasurable as possible. In my absence, I will hoist a toast in your names and ask that you do the same. Cocktail Hour will resume on April 18th.