Thursday, October 30, 2003


Dear Lost Souls,

In reverence to Halloween, and you humble host's need to go trick or treating, there will be no Cocktail Hour this Friday night. I cast you out upon the City to make your way among the ghouls and goblins. Good luck and see ya next week!


P.S. Be sure to come check out the Halloween Party at Project 9 on Saturday night!

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Come As You Are - 8pm Start - The Hallowed Eve

Dear Lost Souls,

In reverence to the people of the Island of Kampdigalio, in the British West Indies, where there is a 30 minute time difference from their closest neighbors only 500 yards off shore, and they are forced to endure the humiliation of constantly arriving half an hour late for the local cricket grudge match and thereby missing the critical opening coin toss, which is surely the most exciting point in most cricket matches . . . Cocktail Hour will be starting 30 minutes late this week, at 8pm. But, . . . .

. . . Yes, my bronze bodied islanders, Cocktail Hour IS on for this week! Once again, you are invited to shed the shackles of your mid-week labors for the cackles of our weekend favors. Your cocktail will waiting for you chilled and impatient under the shadows of the Haberdashery's drowsy ambition. As the self-satisfied home of your Last Resort, you should feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue . . . or to linger indefinitely. As a special treat this week, I am pleased to share with you an invitation to the big annual Halloween Bash at Project 9 in West Berkeley on Saturday, November 1st. Paul and Tom always throw a good shin dig with lots of fiendish fun, great company and usually some fire thrown in for good measure. Please check out the link and stop by if you are in the neighborhood. Paul has graciously invited us again this year and is encouraging all of you Haberdites to come check it out.


Thursday, October 16, 2003

Come As You Are - Octoberfest in California

Dear Lost Souls,

October in Berkeley!
Bay Area Autumn at its best,
Evening skies of truest blue,
Tall, crisp and cool with a hint of Vermouth,
An Ivory olive suspended in clearest Indigo,
And evening shade from the week you left behind,
. . . Cocktail?

Yes, my überthirsty Haberdites, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening! We've recovered from last week's audiovisual SpeKtaKular, and are ready for this week’s new interpretation of relaxation. In response to the Governator's edict that Octoberfest in California extend to all months containing the letter “r”, we will be toasting the commencement of this year’s festival with a keen eye on . . . May . . . which already seems dangerously close. Please join us for a moment of pause in the comforting glow of low expectations. The weekend starts at the top of the stairs. As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue . . . or to linger indefinitely.


Thursday, October 9, 2003

Come As You Are - Ach Du Lieber Wienerschnitzle

Dear Lost Souls,

Fersd I vaant to sankyu awl fo helping to eelect za nuu Guvernator. Vee hav much to be eksited about. Vee ver hoping zat za nuu Governator vuld be able to join uz fo a sellabraation koktel, but ee vil be busy finding Sacramento. So vee vill hav to sellabraate wizout im. Scheisse! . . .

Oh Yes, my fellow dazed and confused Left Coasters, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday night. . . and what better way to cope with the implications of a new administration then in the comfort of . . . one helluva' stiff drink. Cocktails will be served beginning at 7:00pm. You are invited to swing by our little shade collective and sample the pride of Haberdashery-brand social alchemy. As a special event this week, we will be presenting a sound and light spectacular chronicling this year's Burning Man Festival. Please bring along any of your digital images of the event that we don't already have so that we can include them in the show. As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chose Friday venue . . . or to linger . . . ironically.


P.S. Za Spektakular vil staat at Neinserty.

Thursday, October 2, 2003

Come As You Are - Martini Mania Strikes

Dear Lost Souls,
Celebrity pop psychologist, Dr. Andy, and his faithful sidekick Frankie are coming to visit! Whoopie!! So, dig up your demons and lay them before their six feet for fun-filled solutions to your darkest confusions.

Yes my demented denizens, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday night and you are invited to join us as we welcome back one of our most celebrated veterans from the Southland. Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm. This week the Haberdashery will be featuring a wide range of specialty Martinis . . . sweet if you are and dry if you’re not . . . prepared randomly according to the dogma of chance. Gouda and Pistachios will be provided to you at no additional cost. Proud headquarters to the Last Resort, please feel free (as always) to stop by for a quickie en route to your selected Friday venue . . . or to linger indubitably.


Haberdashery Lost and Found Alert: One green back pack containing half a bottle of Knob Creek . . . claim it fast because the bourbon seems to be evaporating at an alarming rate.