Friday, June 19, 2020

😷 CAYA in Place; The Last Stand

Dear Lost Souls,

Greetings from the Haberdashery Multiverse! 🖖🏼 Come As You Are . . . and stay where ya'll at!
This evening, June 19th, 2020, will be The Haberdashery's last Come As You AreFriday Night Cocktail Hour (and broadcast) hosted from 2124 5th street, Berkeley, California. Some of you were there at the beginning of CAYA 2.0 on September 13, 2011, in this location. Some of you were there in the halcyon days of CAYA 1.0, in a time that now seems so, so long ago. We will miss these hallowed halls. But we also know that this is only the beginning, and we look forward to exploring the yet unimaginable adventures that await us in The Haberdasher 3.0 Multiverse! 🚀🚀🚀

Yes, my Humble Haberdites CAYA is on for this evening. Please join us at 7:30pm, as we kick off the evening with a special cocktail selection, and a solemn toast to Liberation Day (or Juneteenth). With the current pain, division, uncertainty, and injustice that threatens to shred the very fabric of our nation, we pray that this Juneteenth will be cause for celebration for centuries to come: As the day that we set a new course for the nation: A day that helped us realize that every one of us are bound as stewards to the founding ideals and precarious liberties that this nation's Constitution purports to guarantee. And, unless we are all free and protected from injustice, no-one is free or safe from tyranny. Not just as a nation, but as a species whose completely interdependent survival on this fragile planet is a never ending dance on the precarious road to human enlightenment.

Please join us by tuning into your Last Resort from your sequestration sanctuary on our dedicated Haberdashery Zoom channel (Meeting ID#: 510 646 5316) at 7:30pm PST. Feel free to casually join the conversation or melt back to your corner of the Multiverse whenever you like. We will maintain the wormhole opening all evening (round'about midnight), or until after the last Haberdite signs off.

We are all making this up as we go. But, with a long pour of compassion, a shot of empathy, and more-than-a-dash of patience . . . though we may emerge shaken or stirred . . . our community of Haberdites will navigate this gauntlet of isolation with poise and dignity . . . and an adult beverage in hand. 

Now be safe out there . . . and above all else . . . be kind to one another, my fellow Haberdites!

Los Cabañeros

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to September 13th, 2011: Come As You Are - The Haberdashery 2.0ooooooh!
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA Blog, and register for email updates:

Friday, June 12, 2020

😷 CAYA in Place; Love in the Time of Gemini

Dear Lost Souls,

Greetings from the Haberdashery Multiverse! 🖖🏼 Come As You Are . . . and stay where ya'll at!

It's Gemini season again ... that glorious time of the year when all of the other lesser zodiac signs appropriately acknowledge the glorious and benevolent supremacy and humble genius of Geminis . . . so impressive. This evening, to mark the sublime joy of the season, we will be inclusively hoisting a toast to Geminis everywhere. Non-Geminis should feel welcome to join us and are encouraged to participate while demonstrating the proper level of deference.

Yes, my Zealots of the Zodiac CAYA is on for this evening. Please join us at 7:30pm sharp, as we kick off the evening with a cosmically appropriate alchemical tutorial. You can tune into your Last Resort from your sequestration sanctuary on our dedicated Haberdashery Zoom channel (Meeting ID#: 510 646 5316) at 7:30pm PST. Feel free to casually join the conversation or melt back to your corner of the Multiverse whenever you like. We will maintain the wormhole opening all evening (round'about midnight), or until after the last Haberdite signs off.

We are all making this up as we go. But, with a long pour of compassion, a shot of empathy, and more-than-a-dash of patience . . . though we may emerge shaken or stirred . . . our community of Haberdites will navigate this gauntlet of isolation with poise and dignity . . . and an adult beverage in hand. 
Now be safe out there . . . and above all else . . . be kind to one another, my fellow Haberdites!

Los Cabañeros

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to June 11th, 2003: CAYA - Come or Be Scorned
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA Blog, and register for email updates:

Friday, June 5, 2020

😷 CAYA in Place; The Times They are a Changing

Dear Lost Souls,

Greetings from the Haberdashery Multiverse! 🖖🏼 Come As You Are . . . and stay where ya'll at!

The last seven days of violence, turmoil, and abuse of power have been some of the most difficult that many Americans have ever seen in their lives. The concern expressed by some of our more enlightened top military, spiritual, and community leaders underscores the impermanence of any republic. Without vigilance, commitment, and sacrifice, this imperfect union could very well be entering the twilight of this ongoing and fragile experiment in democracy, just 244 years in the making. May we take heart that despite all of the political incompetence and incendiary rhetoric, there are voices of reason in the upper levels of the military, law enforcement, municipal leadership, and community activism. There is great cause for hope . . . tempered by a profound danger to our constitution.

Let us gather this evening and raise a toast of hope ... not for a return to a distorted system characterized by unequal access to our shared rights and resources, which many had accepted as an unavoidable compromise on the road towards reform ... but for a new way forward, and a 'reset' of our American journey, beginning with a zero tolerance stance on the application of basic human rights, as well as redoubling of our commitment to the constitutional protections and liberties that should extend to all who call this country home.

Yes, my Humble HaberditesCAYA is on for this evening. Please join us at 7:30pm sharp, as we kick off the evening with a alchemical tutorial and a toast to our great nation. You can tune into your Last Resort from your sequestration sanctuary on our dedicated Haberdashery Zoom channel (Meeting ID#: 510 646 5316) at 7:30pm PST. Feel free to casually join the conversation or melt back to your corner of the Multiverse whenever you like. We will maintain the wormhole opening all evening (round'about midnight), or until after the last Haberdite signs off.

We are all making this up as we go. But, with a long pour of compassion, a shot of empathy, and more-than-a-dash of patience . . . though we may emerge shaken or stirred . . . our community of Haberdites will navigate this gauntlet of isolation with poise and dignity . . . and an adult beverage in hand. 

Now be safe out there . . . and above all else . . . be kind to one another, my fellow Haberdites!

Los Cabañeros

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to June 3rd, 2004: CAYA - Jackets Required; In the Name of Ray
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA Blog, and register for email updates: