Thursday, January 24, 2002

Come As You Are - The Mardi Gras Season

Dear Lost Souls,

We find ourselves deep in the Mardi Gras Season!  I hope that you have been getting your fill of King Cakes, Muffalletta, and Po-boys.  The Haberdashery is busy planning the menu for our annual Mardi Gras event on Saturday February 9th.  There is sure to be Gumbo, Jambalaya, Bread Puddin', and Hurricanes . . . as well as a couple of other specialties.  Start fasting, Baby, y'hear!

Yes, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday night.  Cocktails will be served starting at 7:30pm at our usual locale.  You are invited to join us as we head into our final training regimen for the big event, just two short weeks away.  Please feel free to stop by for a quickie . . . or linger indefinitely.


Thursday, January 17, 2002

Come As You Are - What party looms on yonder horizon?

Dear Lost Souls,

Just a quickie to invite you by for one.  Cocktail hour is on for tonight.  In the spirit of the season, I have prepared some "comfort food" to help us all weather the cold.  Please join us for a cocktail and fellowship starting at 7:30pm tonight.

Mark your Calenders!!!
I have tentatively set the date of this years Mardi Gras party for February 9th . . . ALL day.  It is early this year, so start your taper now!
More details later.


Thursday, January 10, 2002

Come As You Are - A public service announcement

Dear Lost Souls,

This week, as a public service announcement, the Haberdashery is pleased to bring you information about how to eat out at San Francisco's finest restaurants for a reasonable price. Attached please find an email forwarded by a friend of mine. It looks like a good deal for a good cause . . . and, more importantly, involves good food!!
Yes, friends, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday night. Please join us for an evening aperitif starting at 7:30pm at 2107 Hearst. Though the weather outside is frightful, the company is always delightful. We'll look forward to seeing you there.

Please feel free to stop by for a quickie . . . or linger indefinitely.


Thursday, January 3, 2002

CAYA; 2002 Year of the Palindrome

Dear Lost Souls,

Welcome to the international year of the palindrome!!

In honor of this most auspicious year, Haberdashery attendees will only be allowed to communicate in palindromes for the entire year.  In order to simplify this, you may use single word palindromes, complete sentence palindromes or you may simply speak in one continuous palindrome that begins at your arrival and ends with the last words you speak as you are leaving.  Imagine the fun we'll have!

Yes, Cocktail hour is on for this Friday Night!  Drinks will be served at 7:30pm.  Please join us for a toast to the back side of New Years.  As always, feel free to stop by for a quickie, or linger indefinitely.
