Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Come As You Are - 'Chez Broadway Style'

Dear Lost Souls,

There lies in each of us,
Between heartfelt regret for the many sins of our checkered past
And mischievous pride for those undeniable transgressions for which we have escaped a just retribution
A buzzing anticipation of the moment when we shall, once again, succumb to temptation, indulge our truest desires, and fall blissfully into the gluttonous arms of sinful abandon . . .
 . . . for though Cocktail Hour may slumber, it has never died, and waits silently for the dawn of another age, when all who wander this indigo sphere will set down their woes, if only for a few short hours, and at the end of their weekly burden lay warm gazes upon their fellow man through the comforting haze of a finely crafted Cocktail of their choosing.

Yes! my thirsty brethren of an era whose memory still glows bright in the absurd mythology of our common past, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday Night.  Our tattered band of wandering souls will convene for this rare reunion of what might possibly have been a fabricated phantom of our collective dreams.  Come test the fragile edges of your marinated recollections, or weave a new tale rooted firmly in the nebulous soil of impossibility . . .

OR . . . if you like . . . just come throw back a couple o’ Cocktails with the old crew.  The Haberdashery will indeed be holding court in the great City of San Francisco, in the heady environs of Pacific Heights.  A smattering of the old and the new, the borrowed and the blue will be on hand to hoist a glass to those Cocktails Hours gone by . . . and those many in which we have yet to indulge.  The Haberdashery will have its usual cadre of highly dedicated Cabana Boys on hand to test the limits of modern alchemy, weaving gold from the common elements of your base desires and highest imaginings.  For those of you lacking in either, we shall endeavor the quench the void.

The proceedings will convene at:

Chez Broadway
2285 Broadway (near the corner of Filmore and Broadway)
Buzz Apartment #1 (Tinker, Chen, Schneiter)
Tel: 415.921.3833

So Come As You Are, leave your troubles by the door and follow that warm Haberdashery glow up the stairs.  Be sure to check out the roof deck for an outrageous view of the Golden Gate.  Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm.  As always was, you presence is our pleasure, so in particular for this rare reunion, please do not hesitate to just stop for a quickie en route to your primary Friday night venue . . . or to linger  . . . indefinitely.


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