Thursday, September 27, 2001

Cocktail Hour Returns

Dear Lost Souls,

After a three week long hiatus, The Haberdashery is pleased to resume its weekly constitution this coming Friday night.
Yes, Cocktail Hour is on this week.
The tragic events of the last few weeks make it seem like much longer than three weeks since our last convening,  And, in fact, it is arguably a completely different era we find ourselves in since then.
Out of respect for the times, I am refraining from my usual petite sarcasm for this week.  Instead, we simply invite you to come as you are and share in our customary brand of casual fellowship.
Cocktails will be served beginning around 7:30pm at our normal location: 2107 Hearst Avenue in Berkeley.
Please feel free to stop by for a quickie, or . . . linger indefinitely.


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