Wednesday, February 5, 2003

Come As You Are - Debate Rages!!!

Dear Lost Souls,

Just a reminder that there is no Cocktail Hour tonight . . . so don't be hangin' out on my steps buggin' the neighbors. Jeeze! you people! Cocktail hour will resume next week at our usual time and place.

New Mardi Gras Date!!!! Following an emergency session of the Haberdashery Board, the date for the Mardi Gras party has been moved from the weekend before Fat Tuesday to the weekend after. The Party will now be on Saturday, March 8th. Debate raged as board members sniped at the change of agenda. In a heated exchange board members sounded off on the proposal:

Rep. Rhyne (D), of Kensington, commented, “whatever”
Rep. Dolge ( I ), of Oakland, retorted, “I don't really care”

Spectators were stunned by the dialogue. The potential for representation by foreign delegates finally pushed the decision over the razor's edge. So get out your erasers and change that date. We'll see you March 8th!


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