Thursday, January 9, 2003

Come As You Are - Sendem' Down Under

Dear Lost Souls,
Carrie Hamilton and David Barnard are moving to Australia! The Haberdashery will be hoisting a glass in there honor this Friday evening. Yes, Cocktail Hour is on and you are invited to come help send them off with a smile. If you have not met Carrie and David, this is your last fuckin' chance. If you don't take this chance to meet them before they leave, you can forget about showing up on there doorstep in Sydney unannounced (the author foreshadows). Cocktails will be served starting at 7:30pm. Show up early, since I believe that Carrie and David have other constituents to service later in the evening. Please feel free to stop by for a quickie . . . . or to linger indefinitely.

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