Thursday, June 20, 2002

Come As You Are - The Solstice Cometh, Dave and Eva Goeth

Dear Lost Souls,
We find ourselves one, count em', one short day away from Solstice. And as the fates would have it, this momentous day falls on a Friday; like many other important days this month! In many cultures, this event is celebrated be lighting massive offering pyres, grilling large slabs of meat and dancing naked or in loin clothes until the wee hours of the morning. I'm thinkin' cocktails and a barbecue.

Yes, cocktail hour is on for this Friday. The extended hours of daylight promise excellent grilling weather. And I, for one, do not plan to squander such fortune. As Jimmy Morrison said, "No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dusk!" That may have been "dawn", but you get the idea. This will also be your opportunity to say a tearful farewell to Dave and Eva as they prepare to trek off across this great land. We will be toasting their ardent search for the promise land . . . or Shangrila . . . or Mayberry . . . Andyyyyy!!!. . . "tell us how you do!" You'll want to make sure they have your proper address so that they can mock you with postcards along the way.

Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm, whether anybody is there yet or not. I will have a few things to grill, but please feel free to bring along something to throw on the barbecue. Loin clothes are optional.

Please feel free to stop be for a quickie . . . or linger indefinitely.

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