Thursday, July 31, 2003

CAYA; Persian Splendor

. . . When we last left our heroes, they were reclined in Persian splendor beneath leafy artificial star light; satiated by the offerings of the ghetto's finest cuisine and feasting on the pirated sounds of our favorite contemporary poets. Bur fear not my bonny shipmates on this voyage through the cosmos, the story does not there end . . .
For yes, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday night, and you too are invited to join us for a moment of pause and repose as we toast the passing of another week and ring in the promise of the weekend with our own special brand of alchemy and fellowship. The doors at 2107 Hearst will be open at 7:30pm. Your presence is our pleasure. As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue, or . . . to linger indefinitely.

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