Thursday, February 21, 2002

Going for the Gold!

Dear Lost Souls,

Congratulations!!  The Haberdashery was honored with a Gold Medal in Residential Recycling from the City of Berkeley after our performance at the Mardi Gras party.  We received a gold in the glass category and a silver in the plastic category.  Reached for comment, spokesman Greg Dolge had this to say: "what? . . . . what? . . . "  Bartender, Frank Hoppe remarked: "All the credit goes to the troops.  There is no "I" in Hoppe.  All I did was set 'em up.  You all did a bang up job of knockin' em down."  This Friday night we will be celebrating our stunning performance the only way we know how . . . Pea Soup.
Yes Cocktail Hour is on for tonight and you are envited to come share a cup of cheer with us at our usual place and time.  Please feel free to stop by for a quickie, or linger indefinitely.

Hope to see you there!

PS.  Barbecue season looms large.

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