Thursday, December 20, 2001

Holiday Cocktails II - Carnage at the Dry Bar

Dear Lost Souls,

A Haberdashery task force has relieved the immediate danger to future alchemy which was caused by the Holiday Cocktail Party.  Undaunted by the carnage, we've responded with bigger bottles.  So, the Alaskan Martinis were met with tepid interest at best.  Judging from the enthusiasm for the Manhattans, our lost souls our apparently classical in nature.   Well, so be it then.  In a policy u-turn worthy of our finest administrations, the Manhattan is now the official holiday drink for the season.
Yes, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday.  Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm.  Stop by the Last Resort on your way to, or from, your primary venue for the eve.  Festive attire is optional.  As always, feel free to join us for a quickie or linger indefinitely.


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