Friday, July 6, 2001

Dear Lost Souls,

Strike the trummel and raise high the glad tambourines.  Our prodigal sons return.  Yes, Cocktail Hour is on and there is much to celebrate in the coming weeks . . . not that this has been a hindrance in the past.  Eric is returning from Italy this evening; redolent of marble dust and Tuscan cuisine.  After his long day of travel, I am not sure if he will muster the energy to raise a toast with us or not . . . but I am guessing yes.  Next week Andy will be returning from India and Nepal and Chris Strain will be returning from a land even more mysterious and frightening . . . Florida.  So, consider this Friday a warm up for next Friday.  Next Friday will likely be a Barbecue.  I am not planning on cooking this Friday, but be prepared to participate in desert as well as our usual array of alchemy.  We will convene tonight at approximately 7:30pm at 2107 Hearst Avenue.

Please feel free to stop by for a quickie of linger indefinitely.


P.S.  Andy will be in town starting on the 11th for a few days.  He needs a place to crash for a few days.  I already have a guest those days and would rather not cram in another.  Let me know if anybody has a spare piece of carpet to lend our wayward son.

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