Thursday, January 5, 2012

Come As You Are; My My Mayan Sharona

Dear Lost Souls,

Welcome to the beginning of the end . . .

According to our Mayan brethren, December 21st, 2012, will be the end of times . . . the Apocalypse Now . . . Judgment Day . . . the Quickening . . . the Rapture . . . the big CF. Either that, or some flamboyant Shaman in an electric dream coat and a feathered hat ran out of room on a stone tablet. Be that as it may, December 21st, 2012, just happens to be . . .
. . . wait for it . . . a Friday! Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Well, with only 50 short weeks left to find out, the Haberdashery executive board believes it is better to be safe than sober. Preparation, preparation, preparation . . . there is no substitute . . . and we will not be caught with our celestial skivvies around our Pre-Columbian ankles. If nothing else, we should all capitalize on this opportunity to augment the breadth and quality or our alchemical palette. For our part, the Haberdashery will be expanding its repertoire, officially declaring 2012 the “Year of the Cocktail”, and with the potential ‘end of times’ at hand, infusing new meaning into our dedication to remaining your Last Resort. Even if the end is nigh, you’ll always find shelter beneath our canopy of low expectations, in the cherished company of familiar strangers.

Yes, my my Mayan Sharonas, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening. Now that we are on the sunny side of the Solstice, each Friday holds the promise of brighter days, barbecue season, and Mardi Gras . . . oh, yes . . . it’s just around the corner! Cocktails will be served starting around 7.30pm. Please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your primary Friday evening venue . . . or to linger indefinitely.


The Haberdashery
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA  94710

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