Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No Cocktail Hour . . . oh nooooo!

Three weeks in a row! Say it ain't so, Joe!

Alas, my wayward Haberdites, there will be no Cocktail Hour again this week. But we promise that we will be back in action nest week, on Friday April 20th . . . so mark your calendar for a tearful reunion of Lost Souls!

In the mean time, we invite you to hoist an adult beverage in honor of our Merry Tribe . . . and we will do the same for you!

Los CabaƱeros

P.S. This week’s CAYA 1.0 Flashback is from April 17th, 2003: A Better Friday

The Haberdashery
is located at:

2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T: 510.229.2970

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