Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Come As You Are - Five Years You'll Never Get Back

Dear Lost Souls,

Our hour of matriculation has arrived.

Over five years ago, a lethargic band of four Distinguished Deviants (Billy Rhyne, Chris Strain, Greg Dolge and Greg Delaune) gathered on a Friday evening to toast the end of another glorious week in our little corner of this big blue marble.  Martini’s of the highest caliber were formulated, tested and refined in a ritual of alchemy rarely equaled since the dawn of human kind’s quest for the philosophers’ stone.  With this dogged commitment to the absurd, Friday Night Cocktail Hour was born.  In its early incarnations, Cocktail Hour moved about the East Bay, testing to what degrees heredity versus environment impacts the subtleties of the dry Martini.  Finally, a special temple facility was conceived of and executed at 2107 Hearst Avenue.  The dimensions, specifications and orientation of the temple were painstakingly executed to craft the ideal environment for the specific rituals to be performed.  It was then decreed that such a fine and noble endeavor must surely be shared with those who we held closest and dearest . . . or short of those who we held closest and dearest . . . shared with any willing soul we could dig up in our local bar, on street corners, on planes, at mass festivals of open debauchery, during foreign or domestic travel, random passers-by or anywhere else we happen to stumble across potential Celestial Mariners of like mind.  Many of our first meetings were tirelessly devoted to selection of an appropriate title for our weekly communion.  And while, no doubt, many brilliant names that captured the sprit and genius of this solemn undertaking were discussed . . . and maybe even selected, the only name anyone could ever recall after the fact was “The Haberdashery”.

We now stand at the tale end of this grand experiment; with five years of reveling pressing against our collective spine.  Ass backwards we take that first tentative step into the future unknown.  From its beginning, a fundamental motivation for Cocktails Hour has been a committed (but hopeless) attempt to pass on the generous hospitality I have experienced during my travels, but can never possibly repay.  The Last Cocktail Hour will be our humble attempt to send each of you on your merry life’s path, armed with positive karma to distribute liberally . . . if not liberal karma to distribute positively.  So . . .

YES! . . . my Fellow Haberdites, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening.  And you are invited to come hoist a glass, one last time, in the comforting shade of the Haberdashery’s canopy of low expectations.  As part of the final festivities, we will be featuring our usual smattering of formage, krekkers, chips, dips, nuts, berry’s and such.  In addition, we will be firing up the barbecue for one last roast and toast.  Beyond that, there is a danger of some specialties from south of the Mason Dixon and maybe even a bread pudding . . . if you ask nice.  We will have some communal grill items, but please feel free to bring along your pound of flesh (whether it be vegetable, animal, or mineral) to throw on the grill.  The grill will be fired up at 8pm and Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm.

Technical Note:  Immediately following this email, you will all receive a digital copy of a composite picture of the photo wall.  I am sending it separately in case it is too big for some of your email accounts.

As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue or to linger indefinitely . . .


P.S.  For the greener among us . . . oh screw it, if you haven’t found the place by now, I just can’t help ya.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Come As You Are - Two To Go Go!

Dear Lost Souls,

You have just two more chances to participate in our weekly constitution . . . and then it will all just be imagined memories and accusations you probably can’t prove.

Yes my Fleeting Friday Fellows, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening . . . and once again, you are invited to come luxuriate in the equatorial glow of the Haberdashery’s sweet shade.  August 20th will be the Last Cocktail Hour.  But, in the mean time, our course remains true and our galley stocked.  Our Cabana Boys stand poised to serve you, endeavoring to fulfill all of your fluid desires.  Please join us as we celebrate the close of another glorious week on our little piece of this whirling blue marble and greet the promise of another weekend bounded only by our whims.  Whims may be provided upon request.  We’ll hope to see you there!

Your cocktails will be served at 7:30pm.  As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue . . . or to linger indefinitely.


Thursday, July 22, 2004

No Cocktail This Week - The End Is Nye

Dear Lost Souls,

There will be No Cocktail Hour this Friday Evening as I will be assisting a fellow Haberdite in the solemn business of leaving the world of Bachelordumbdumb.

In other Haberdashery news, the date for the Last Friday Night Cocktail Hour has been set.  That is right, your last opportunity to hoist libations under the banner of our weekly constitution will be August 20th, 2004!  All told, there are three Cocktail Hours left; July 30, August 13th and the final one on August 20th.

More details will follow, but mark your calendars now.


Thursday, July 1, 2004

Come As You Are - It's Millers' Time

Dear Lost Souls,

Onward grinds the Cosmic Mill that leads us to our weekly constitution.  Friday looms thirsty on the temporal horizon, beckoning you back to the shaded sanctuary of the Haberdashery.  Your weekend begins at the top of the stairs, so check your cares at the door and join us for a retreat from the profane.

Yes, my Merry Millers, Cocktail hour is on for Friday evening.  Your deceivingly translucent adult beverage will be served at approximately 7:30pm in the green haze of Temple 2107.  Please feel free to stop by for a quickie . . . or to linger indefinitely.


Thursday, June 24, 2004

Come As You Are - Complimentary Shade

Dear Lost Souls,

Let’s keep this short and sweet . . .

Friday Night Cocktail Hour is on for this week.  Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm . . . when the Haberdashery’s natty Cabana Boys will be on hand to fulfill your fluid desires.  In the spirit of our egalitarian community, endless shade will be provided for all.

As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue . . . or to linger indefinitely in a glow of low expectations.


Thursday, June 17, 2004


Dear Lost Souls,

There will be No Cocktail Hour this week as I will be off in the Windy City conducting critical Haberdashery research. Please be assured that on Friday evening I will pause to hoist a cocktail in your collective direction. I ask that you do the same.


Thursday, June 10, 2004

Come As You Are - Up On the Roof! - Birthday and Goodbyes

Dear Lost Souls,

This coming Saturday, June 12th, we will be having a special Haberdashery bonanza for a number of special occasions including:

1.  The birthdays of two founders as well as a number of other Gemini Haberdites . . . Including a very special toast to our newest son: Hardesty True Dolge (born May 27th, 2004!)


2.  A send off from the Bay Area (and the United States) for three of our cherished regulars; Austin, Timppa and Minna. Make sure that you stop by to say Goodbye and wish them well.

We have the roof terrace at Triple Rock reserved for Saturday afternoon. We’ll be hanging out at Triple Rock (up on the roof terrace) starting at 3pm. Bring your sunscreen! At about 6:30pm we will drift over to the Hab to fire up the barbecue. There will be some communal grill items, but please bring along your favorites to throw on the grill. Beyond that, the schedule gets a bit fuzzy . . .
Of course, Cocktail Hour is still on for Friday evening, so if we don't see you at both events, we'll hope to see you at one or the other. In the words of a great man:

“But, but, but . . . . . . I wan' BOFE of 'em!” - Biscuits

Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm.  As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue . . . or to linger indefinitely in the comfort of our low expectations.

P.S.For the greener among us, our little community oasis is located at 2107 Hearst Avenue in Berkeley; at the northeast corner of Hearst and Shattuck (three blocks north of downtown Berkeley BART); next to Liason Bistro . . . kitty-corner from Triple Rock Brewery


Thursday, June 3, 2004

Come As You Are - JACKETS REQUIRED; In the Name of Ray

Dear Lost Souls,

This week’s Cocktail Hour will be dedicated to the memory of Mr. Ray Charles. I will not (in hind sight) claim to have been truly dedicated fan . . . like I was . . . say, Tito Puentes . . . but, I have to say that the world just seems a little more empty since Mr. Charles has left it. So, in his honor, the Haberdashery is gonna tip its hat to the Man.

I'm a firm believer in God himself, but that's as far as I can go. I'm not any denomination. I'm not Catholic or Presbyterian or Baptist or Methodist or  Jewish or Muslim. I'm none of those things. And I'm sure that's just fine with God. (see rest of article below) - Ray Charles (1930 - 2004)

Yes, my Merry Mourners, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening. And as part of our weekly covenant, we will be hoisting our glasses in honor of a dearly departed champion of peace, love and music. Ray was no angle . . . but you can bet your patushka that the angles made sure he ended somewhere they can still hear him doin' his thang. Please bring along CD's you have of Ray's music. In addition to the eternal music Ray, we will also venture into the wider realm of a little place called Motown. Also, in special reverence to Mr. Charles, we ask every Woman and Man and child alike to wear their favorite sport coat or jacket . . . thinking outside the box is encouraged. The weekend begins at the top of the stoop.

Your Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm, when our Blues Brothers will be on hand to fulfill their mission from God. As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chose Friday venue, or to linger indefinitely under the dappled shade and shadow of our lower expectations.


P.S.It all sounds so simple when Ray says it: Music is about the only thing left that people don't fight over. People couldn't understand why my mama would have this blind kid out doing things like cutting wood for the fire. But her thing was: He may be blind, but he ain't stupid. I am my own engineer. I remember one night we did a thing with Duke Ellington. He was on an oxygen tank until they called him to come out onstage. But he went out there and you'd never have known there was anything wrong with the man. That's what music can do. If you're sad, you can go home and play some records and make yourself feel better. If you're in the hospital and you're sick, music can be soothing. I know I'm gonna get shot down for this, but I think music is the greatest art form ever, bar none. I know that people who are into movies or into sculpture or writing or whatever are gonna say, “Ray, you must done lost your brain.” And they probably right. But I still think that music is the greatest art form ever. They say war has a purpose, but I'm not sure I agree. I've always thought that people want you to be one of two things: They either want you to be a clone, meaning just like them, or they want you to be their footstool, so they can control you and tell you what to do. Sighted people sometimes forget that blind people have a mind. I don't analyze myself. I just do what I do. You better live every day like it's your last day, 'cause one day you're gonna be right. I'm a firm believer in God himself, but that's as far as I can go. I'm not any denomination. I'm not Catholic or Presbyterian or Baptist or Methodist or Jewish or Muslim. I'm none of those things. And I'm sure that's just fine with God.

I did drugs because it was my pleasure. Nowadays they say you need to get a special chip to put in the TV so the kids can't watch this and that. In my day, we didn't need that. My mom was the chip. End of story. The piano is the foundation, and that's it. All my kids know me. Addiction can be very, very bad. But addiction in itself isn't bad; it's a question of what you're addicted to. That's where the chickens come home to roost. You can be addicted to good habits, you know what I mean? You can be addicted to your woman. Addiction in itself is kind of like money. It ain't bad or good. It's what you do with it. When you write a good song, it will be good even if it's sung by somebody with a bad voice. We always gonna have racism. With singing, the name of the game is to make yourself believable. When somebody hears you sing a song and they say, “Oh, that must have happened to him,” that's when you know you're transmitting. It's like being a good actor. You make people feel things, emotions and whatnot. But you gotta start with yourself. You got to feel it yourself. If you don't feel it, how do you expect someone else to? I don't remember much about what it was like to see. The main thing I remember is my mom, how she looked. And I remember colors. I've always been the kind of person who, if there's anything that can kill me, I want to know something about it. People say: “Ray, you a genius, Ray, you a cornerstone, Ray, you this and you that.” Those are nice accolades, and I certainly appreciate it when people think well of my music and what I've tried to do with it. But in my heart, I mean . . . I don't kid myself. I know I'm not a genius. A genius is somebody like Art Tatum or Charlie Parker. I don't come close to those guys. I just happen to be a guy that can do a lot of little things and do 'em well. It would be a real bitch if I ever lost my hearing. I know I couldn't be no Helen Keller. That would be worse than death. Vision is something that you have in your mind. This is a girl's bike, man. Why would I be riding a girl's bike? You didn't think I was gonna notice that, right? You guys are trying to sucker a blind man!

 - Ray Charles (1930 - 2004) Esquire Interview; August 2003