Thursday, June 10, 2004

Come As You Are - Up On the Roof! - Birthday and Goodbyes

Dear Lost Souls,

This coming Saturday, June 12th, we will be having a special Haberdashery bonanza for a number of special occasions including:

1.  The birthdays of two founders as well as a number of other Gemini Haberdites . . . Including a very special toast to our newest son: Hardesty True Dolge (born May 27th, 2004!)


2.  A send off from the Bay Area (and the United States) for three of our cherished regulars; Austin, Timppa and Minna. Make sure that you stop by to say Goodbye and wish them well.

We have the roof terrace at Triple Rock reserved for Saturday afternoon. We’ll be hanging out at Triple Rock (up on the roof terrace) starting at 3pm. Bring your sunscreen! At about 6:30pm we will drift over to the Hab to fire up the barbecue. There will be some communal grill items, but please bring along your favorites to throw on the grill. Beyond that, the schedule gets a bit fuzzy . . .
Of course, Cocktail Hour is still on for Friday evening, so if we don't see you at both events, we'll hope to see you at one or the other. In the words of a great man:

“But, but, but . . . . . . I wan' BOFE of 'em!” - Biscuits

Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm.  As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue . . . or to linger indefinitely in the comfort of our low expectations.

P.S.For the greener among us, our little community oasis is located at 2107 Hearst Avenue in Berkeley; at the northeast corner of Hearst and Shattuck (three blocks north of downtown Berkeley BART); next to Liason Bistro . . . kitty-corner from Triple Rock Brewery


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