Thursday, February 12, 2004

Come As You Are (M -9 days); Hurricanes are in the Forecast

Dear Lost Souls,

Nine days until the Mardi Gras Party . . . It is time to start you taper.
Yes, my Cajun Cohorts, Cocktail Hour is on for this week . . . but more importantly, we need to start thinking about NEXT weekend:

Dress Code:Well, there is no dress code, and you can wear whatever the hell you want, but the buzz is that folks are dressing up this year. What does that mean?? For starters; don't bring beads. I got em comin' out of my . . . and remember to take them home with you! In general, this could mean Mardi Gras masks, sequins and wigs. For the gals, this might mean a party dress (e.g.. . . say flapper style), a boa, feather tiara, etc. For guys, this might mean a dapper hat or sport coat . . . perhaps in an appropriately outrageous color/sequens. But Keep in mind, this is a New Orleans party so you can switch those gender generalizations and run with it. Use your frickin' imagination . . . I'm makin' this shit up as I go along! . . . or show up in jeans and a t-shirt!!!! . . . the point is to relax and have a good time.

Schedule: This is an all day affair . . . give or take a day. There will Cocktail Hour as usual on Friday night, February 20th. For those of you interested in the Festival of the Roux, and other cooking secrets from the Big Easy, that is the time to come. Chop, chop chop.

WARNING: Friday night can be detrimental to Saturday and should be avoided or taken in moderation if your intent is a full-on Saturday. Saturday will be all day . . . beginning whenever we crawl out of bed. There will be Mimosas, Screwdrivers and Bloodies on hand for those that are there before noon . . . or whenever. A crab and shrimp boil will dominate the early afternoon and the gumbo/ jambalaya/red beans will flow whenever they are ready. Yea, yea . . . and there will be LOTS of bread pudding for the ladies. I don't even want to think about Sunday. So, we'll hope to see you tomorrow night for our usual weekly constitution . . . cocktails at 7:30pm . . . top of stairs . . . quickie . . . linger . . . blah, blah, blah . . . lagniappe . . . you know the drill.


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