Thursday, September 6, 2001

A's Luxury Box on September 22nd

Dear Lost Souls,

The use of an Oakland A's luxury box at the September 22nd Seattle Mariners Game has surreptitiously fallen into my undeserving lap due to the kindness of a friend in Park City.  Unwillingly to bare alone the burden of this karmic windfall, I am enlisting you all to help me take maximum advantage of this unexpected treat.  In addition to the free tickets, I also have two parking passes for those of you brave enough to battle the traffic - first come first serve.  The game starts at 1:05pm on Saturday the 22nd and we can show up as early as two hours before the game.  At this point there is no effort required on any of our part accept to show up.  There are catering options offered by the stadium, but they are somewhat pricey.  We may be able to bring some stuff in . . . in which case we could do a pock luck thang.  Have any of you been in one of the boxes and do you know how it works?  I'll check on this as well.  Anyway, that is all details.  The important thing right now is to figure out who can go so I can call some other folks if necessary.
I am going to be gone from September 8th to the 21st, doing some important research for the Haberdashery society in the Florida Keys and The Bahamas.  That means that I want to try to get most of this figured out before the end of the week.  I will have Dolge do some coordination and ticket distribution while I am gone.
Please send me your thought and availability asap.
Dolge, don't send me ALL your thoughts.  Save some for keeping the streets of Oakland safe.
Lisa, please forward this to Jason.

Hope to hear form you all soon!

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