Friday, June 29, 2001

Our Solemn Pride

Dear Lost Souls,

Once again, our nation's birthday quickly approaches and we are left to contemplate our tremendous fortune for living in a land with such fine leaders and grounded ethics.  We eagerly await to see whether the yuletide rodent will see its shadow, heralding another four year of  fascism. Through these 2001 years of unbridled capitalism our forefathers have braved the powers of communism and civil unrest, and risen above our petty squabbles to graciously bestow our cultural heritage upon the nations of the world not fortunate enough to enjoy our collective individuality.

Yes, Cocktail hour is on for this Friday and the Haberdashery invites you to join us as we say "Mozeltov" and raise a toast to celebrate our forefather's arrival in this great land.  We salute their gracious efforts to civilize the native peoples of this continent and spread the American dream throughout the nations of the world.  Ah!! . . . the pride we share in having tamed the stubborn wilderness: harnessed the power of our rivers, cleared the vastness of our forests and leveled the protuberances of our hills.  Let us pray for another millennium of moral superiority and blissful ignorance.  God bless us one and all!!  We look forward to the intellectually well endowed and lively discourse so common to our weekly constitution and welcome the shining continence of our newest regulars.

Cocktails will be served at our 2107 Hearst Avenue locale, starting around 7:30pm until the last one-a-ya leaves.  As always, please feel free to . . . stop by for a quickie or linger indefinitely!


P.S.  Be sure to mark your calenders for Friday, July 13th.  The Haberdashery will be hosting visiting lecturer and Haberdashery founder Professor Christopher B. Strain.   Professor Strain will be joining us from the land of Pregnant Chads to enlighten us on merits of berber vs. shag.

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