Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Come As You Are; Two Score for the Son of Levi

Dear Lost Souls,

As we weather the final throws of the ever darkening skies before the solstice gives way to brighter days, and the promise of spring’s radiant redemption . . . BEHOLD! . . . the approach of the natal anniversary of one of the Haberdashery’s own!  Andrew Grumpius, Son of Levi, doth on the coming feast of Saturn complete his fortieth circuit about Apollo’s golden orb. To commemorate and culminate Dr. Levine’s two score years of sharing our infinite journey towards eternity aboard this indigo sphere, the Haberdashery will sound glad trumpets and hoist goblets of cheer in his honor (goblets to be provided). Patrons and kin from the Empire State will be effecting the sacred pilgrimage from the Far East to offer cheerful tidings and share in a weekend of boisterous celebration. Join them, along with the Sacred Brotherhood of CabaƱeros, as we wish Andrew many more decades of good health, prosperity and contentment.

Yes, my Holiday Haberdites, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening, and you are invited to hit the pause button on the temporal celestial eight-track, slide out of the slipstream, and enjoy a moment of repose in the golden light of our communal gathering hall . . . where red velvet mingles with the blues, and dryness is a key ingredient in the alchemy of refreshment. Cocktails will be served starting around 7.00pm (getting an early start this week). Please feel free to stop by en route to your primary Friday evening venue, and hoist a quickie in Andy’s honor . . . or to linger indefinitely.

The Cabana Boys

The Haberdashery
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA  94710

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