Friday, March 13, 2015

CAYA; Beware The Ides of March

Friends, Haberdites, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to praise CAYA, not to bury it . . .

'Tis an evil season for emperors and despots,
But let not this dampen the irrepressible spirit of the noble and loyal Haberdite
who gathers with pure heart and open mind to toast the good deeds of our tribe;

Setting aside the
petty differences and ephemeral burdens of our workaday lives,
we hoist a cup and nosh a nut it cheerful fellowship and collective good will;

The weekend is here, and let no man, emperor, or fool,
distract us from the fulfillment of or waking dreams;
stirred and shaken to harmonious balance with alchemical acoutremon!


Oh yes, my Insatiable Senators, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening. Cocktails will be served at 7.30pm. As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your primary Friday evening coup d'état . . . or to linger indefinitely!

Los Cabañeros

!! Please drink responsibly and arrange for safe transportation !! . . . your well-being is our first priority!

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to March 14th, 2002: CAYA; The Laurel Harvest
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA blog, and register for email updates:

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710

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