Friday, March 11, 2016

CAYA; The Very Merry Ides of March

Dear Lost Souls,

Let ye minstrels, poets and fools gather once again in a cozy Gaean embrace 'neath the warm eclectic glow of low expectations . . . to pontificate, postulate, and propagate the Haberdashery's tireless commitment to fellowship, good cheer, and custom crafted adult beverages. Our natty band of dedicated mixologists wait in eager anticipation to fulfill your alchemical dreams ... chilled, shaken, stirred, and garnished to the specifications of our wanton whimseys.

Yes, my Thirsty Thespians, Cocktail Hour is on for tonight. Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm. As always, please feel free to swing by for a quickie en route to your Friday evening main event ... or to linger for an encore.

Los CabaƱeros

!!Please drink responsibly and arrange for safe transportation !! . . . your well-being is our first priority!

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to March 14th, 2002; CAYA; The Laurel Harvest
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA blog, and register for email updates:

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street

Berkeley, CA 94710

T: 510.229.2970

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