Friday, May 10, 2019

CAYA - Progenitors on the Left Coast!

Dear Lost Souls,

This week our special guests, Maw and Paw Delaune, will be joining us from the fly over states for a quality control tour of the Haberdashery, as well as a thorough inspection of the outdoor kitchen. They are an exacting and demanding crew! We invite you to join us as we hoist a glass in celebration of their visit, and also in anticipation of Mothers Day on Sunday. Please join us as we welcome them to the Left Coast with some hand crafted cocktails and a bit o’ music to ease their Californification.

Yes, my CAYA Compatriots, Cocktail Hour is on for this evening. Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm. Please feel free to swing by en route to your primary diplomatic mission, or to linger indefinitely.

Los CabaƱeros

!!Please drink responsibly and arrange for safe transportation!! ... your well-being is our first priority!

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to November 15th, 2001; CAYA - The Prodigal Parents
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA Blog, and register for email updates:

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710

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