Thursday, October 9, 2003

Come As You Are - Ach Du Lieber Wienerschnitzle

Dear Lost Souls,

Fersd I vaant to sankyu awl fo helping to eelect za nuu Guvernator. Vee hav much to be eksited about. Vee ver hoping zat za nuu Governator vuld be able to join uz fo a sellabraation koktel, but ee vil be busy finding Sacramento. So vee vill hav to sellabraate wizout im. Scheisse! . . .

Oh Yes, my fellow dazed and confused Left Coasters, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday night. . . and what better way to cope with the implications of a new administration then in the comfort of . . . one helluva' stiff drink. Cocktails will be served beginning at 7:00pm. You are invited to swing by our little shade collective and sample the pride of Haberdashery-brand social alchemy. As a special event this week, we will be presenting a sound and light spectacular chronicling this year's Burning Man Festival. Please bring along any of your digital images of the event that we don't already have so that we can include them in the show. As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chose Friday venue . . . or to linger . . . ironically.


P.S. Za Spektakular vil staat at Neinserty.

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