Thursday, October 2, 2003

Come As You Are - Martini Mania Strikes

Dear Lost Souls,
Celebrity pop psychologist, Dr. Andy, and his faithful sidekick Frankie are coming to visit! Whoopie!! So, dig up your demons and lay them before their six feet for fun-filled solutions to your darkest confusions.

Yes my demented denizens, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday night and you are invited to join us as we welcome back one of our most celebrated veterans from the Southland. Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm. This week the Haberdashery will be featuring a wide range of specialty Martinis . . . sweet if you are and dry if you’re not . . . prepared randomly according to the dogma of chance. Gouda and Pistachios will be provided to you at no additional cost. Proud headquarters to the Last Resort, please feel free (as always) to stop by for a quickie en route to your selected Friday venue . . . or to linger indubitably.


Haberdashery Lost and Found Alert: One green back pack containing half a bottle of Knob Creek . . . claim it fast because the bourbon seems to be evaporating at an alarming rate.

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