Thursday, February 5, 2004

Come As You Are; M -16 days and counting

Dear Lost Souls,

Only 16 days until the Haberdashery's most hallowed event; Mardi Gras. Details will follow, but mark you calendars for February 21st . . . aaaalllll day. And remember . . . choose you beads carefully because you ARE allowed to take them home!! In the mean time, I offer you a riddle to stimulate your socially conscientious consciences:
A Riddle!:What does it take to distract the entire population of the most powerful nation in the world away from a the announcement of a proposed federal budget that includes a deficit of $364 billion?

One right tit and a couple of fart jokes.
. . . welcome to your homeland.

Yes, my Mammary Voyeurs, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday night, and you too are invited to join us for a moment of pause and repose as we toast the passing of another week and ring in the promise of the weekend with our own special brand of alchemy and fellowship. The doors at 2107 Hearst will be open at 7:30pm. Your presence is our pleasure. As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue, or . . . to linger indefinitely.

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