Thursday, February 26, 2004

Come As You Are - No Cocktail Hour this week . . . and thank you!!

Dear Lost Souls,

Alas, there will be no Cocktail Hour this Friday night. . . but fear not, Cocktail Hour will resume next week!

I do want to take a moment to thank (all those of you that attended) for a hugely successful Mardi Gras Party. It was an awesome turn out. There were a number of bottles of great wine, tequila, port and bourbon donated to the Haberdashery's stock (as well as lots of cookies candy, etc.). I did not get a chance to thank all those folks in person, but I very much appreciate the thought! Special thanks go out to some of the generous folks who worked there ass off to help set up, decorate, cook and clean up. These include:
Billy Rhyne
Greg Dolge
Bob Fukushima
Aric Mayer
Tracy Ebanks
Sascha Welz and
Manfred Daut, who made a mid-party ice run to save the day!
I apologize if I missed anybody.


P.S. Austin's Mom, one of our resident philosophers shared the following commentary on our little band of revelers. I thought that some of you may enjoy reading it before you run off to populate the world with party going socially active intellectuals:

“Yesterday I met dozens and dozens and dozens of stunning, healthy, attractive, super bright, talented, vibrant, exciting, aware, interesting, zesty, energetic, funny, lively, ecologically aware, environmentally tuned in, unbiased, real, non glitzy, dynamic.......great people ranging in age from mostly 25-38......and noted that virtually NONE of them are married. I realize that they are all self sufficient, non dependent, evolved, aware, and not needy of having another person for a meal ticket, for emotional security, for codependency.....A very healthy, admirable, great society of friends you have, my dear son. I liked so many of them and would have loved to play longer.

"BUT, I wonder about our world.....
Why do we get 10 children from fundamentalist, neo Nazi, religious zealots who hate gays, liberals, Jews, and think that women should be subservient? Why do the redneck, uneducated, illiterate, no career path....folks marry young and have 6,7,8 kids who also grow up to be the same? WE NEED YOU ALL TO REPRODUCE! YOUR GROUP OF TALENTED, EDUCATED, EVOLVED, FABULOUS PEOPLE ARE THE ONES WE NEED FOR THE FUTURE OF OUR WORLD.
If the redneck dummies and zealot hater mongers take over the states, country, world.....what will they create? What future exists for our society? What hope is there of a better world, awareness of issues, good ideas and solutions?

"So I urge you all to reproduce often.......with well chosen create the newer better world you all want. Teach your offspring good thinking. Don't let the haters and dummies take over.
Please pass along this message to all your friends. We need you to save our world. REPRODUCE NOW!


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