Thursday, November 13, 2003

Come As You Are – Novembrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Dear Lost Souls,

I don't know about you Cat's, but I' been freezin' my patushka off!But worry not! I've devised a recipe for our collective warmth:

The Haberdashery Hot Toddy
-    Preheat Haberdashery with candles and care
-    Pour in equal parts HeWhos and SheWhos
-    Add Martinis and/or other cocktails to taste
-    Fold in liberal amounts of relaxation
-    Stir in continuous variety of music
-    Drop in a dollop of something unexpected . . .
-    and massage mixture slowly as evening progresses
-    Distribute liberally
. . . that's the ticket!

Yes, my chilly Haberdites, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening . . . and after a disorienting one week hiatus, you are invited to resume our weekly constitution in the radiant warmth of an alternate son. Come slip out of the constricting mantel of your weekly uniform and bask in the familiar glow of low expectations. The Last Resort's Cabana boys will be serving you up their special brand of alchemy under the canopy of your drowsy whims. Sunglasses are optional. Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm. As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your chosen Friday venue . . . or to linger indefinitely.


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