Thursday, November 27, 2003

Come As You Are - Holiday Cocktail Holiday

Dear Lost Souls,

halloweenthanksgivingchristmasnewyears is in full swing. Ready for spring yet? How about a cocktail before round two kicks in? Well, the good news is that the Mardi Gras party season officially starts the day after New Years . . . tick tock, here comes the party! Yes, my holiday heroes, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday night. Brother Billy will not be joining us as he will be en route to the Southern Hemisphere as an ambassador of Haberdashery good will, but we must endeavor to persevere in his absence. Many of you will be jetting off to parts unknown starting in the next few days . . . myself included . . . so this may be a good opportunity to hoist one in the name of . . . awe fuckit . . . just stop by for a cocktail if you're in the neighborhood!


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