Thursday, December 4, 2003

Come As You Are - Kneedeep in the Glög

Dear Löst Söls,

So we find ourselves knee deep in this joyous holiday season. Parties abound and visions of sugar plums dance in your little heads . . . who the hell dreams about sugar plums? I'm not even sure what a sugar plum is. Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Yes, my festive friends, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening and you are invited to indulge in a moment of pause from your busy holiday schedule to bask in the mellow glow of Haberdashery hospitality. And though the weather outside is frightful . . . as a special treat this week our Finnish friends and neighbors will be providing us with vats of Glög; a hot wine concoction sure to warm you from head to toe. Glög is apparently a Finnish specialty enjoyed throughout the Höliday season . . . or a clever ruse to möck their American hösts . . . we'll see. Either way, after a you slög back a couple Glögs, yö'll be speaking Finnish like a Lapish reindeer! För the less daring amöng you, ör cadre of skilled alchemists will be ön hand to ply their trade at ör liquid looms. Cöcktails will be served at 7:30pm. As always, please feel free to stöp by for a quickie en röte to your chösen Friday venue . . . ör to linger indefinitely under ör canöpy of löw expectations.


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