Thursday, August 9, 2001

El Barbecue Internazional!

Dear Lost Souls,

The Haberdashery will be hosting a barbecue on Friday for your joy and full fillingment.  I am anticipating that a number of Italian and Japanese architecture students who are here for an international urban design workshop will be joining us.  In order to live up to American stereotypes, we will be serving hamburgers, potato salad and the like.  Please feel free to bring something along if you are not a red meat carnivore.  Stuffed Portobellos for our herbivore friends are available upon request.  Just let me know.

We will be getting going at around 7:30pm.  The address . . . for any first timers . . . is 2107 Hearst Avenue at the corner of Hearst and Shatttuck in North Berkeley.  Please feel free to join us for a cocktail even if you have other dinner plans; stop by for a quickie or . . . . linger indefinitely.


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