Thursday, August 9, 2001

Fowl Play

Dear Lost Souls,

In the Haberdashery's continuing dedication to tackling the tough issues of the world (whether they effect us globally or locally), this Friday we will be debating the apparent moral uses and abuses that are latent in the following information I received from someone I considered to be a trusted friend. Stop and pick up your phone and try this. It only takes 20 seconds and no matter how hard a day you may be having, if nothing else, it will bring a smile to your face.
1. Call Deutsche Bank / National Discount Brokers at 1-800-888-3999.
2. Listen to ALL of the options (it only takes a moment). 
3. After hearing the 7 options, press 7 and listen. 

EVERY company should have an Option 7. A smile? But at what price!?

Yes, cocktail hour is on. Thank you all for joining us last week for our humble celebration of the Dolge's natal anniversary. This week we will return to our standard time and program on Friday night starting at around 7:30pm. The usual range of alchemy and snacks will accompany the heady intellectualism we've become so accustom to. Please feel free to stop by for a quickie or linger . . . . . . you know the drill.


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