Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Come As You Are; Tryptophan Tweeker Shelter

When Black Friday comes
I'm gonna dig myself a hole
Gonna lay down in it 'til
I satisfy my soul

                                             - Steely Dan

Dear Lost Souls,

Got the Turkey on your back?

. . . “anybody mind if I  take that leg?” . . . “a little more stuffing and gravy never hurt anybody” . . . “ I don’t NEED seconds: I’m just being polite” . . . “I just need a nap, Man, and then I’m gonna be fine”.
And then after the nap comes the Dagwood sandwich . . . and maybe just a bit more dessert! . . . Don’t fool yourself! You’ve got the itch. Friday you’ll be sneaking back to the fridge, jonesin’ for one more sandwich . . . thinking you’ve got it all under control.

Oh yes, my Tryptophan Tweekers, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening. And nothing cures the Black Friday Blues like a dry Manhattan and a bowl of Turkey Gumbo . . . mind you; . . . just to take the edge off . . . get you through the weekend, ya know? . . . and then you can quit whenever you want. Our seasoned alchemical counselors are standing by to support you through the recovery process . . . shakers in hand; gently stirring you from this Waking Dream.

Cocktails will be served at 7.30pm . . . but Gumbo rules are in effect for Friday afternoon; so don’t hesitate to swing by and help stir the pot. As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your primary evening venue . . . or to linger indefinitely.

The Cabana Boys

The Haberdashery
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA  94710

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

CAYA; Pre-Holiday Decompression

Dear Lost Souls,

With Nigel Tufnel Day safely in proverbial hindsight, we now stare down the barrel of another holiday season; with its rising crescendo of codified revelry, institutionalized kindness and opaque reflections on the passing of another numerical benchmark. Black Friday looms, and that means that this is your last chance for repose before the steady winds of commerce blow helter skelter across our socio-cultural bow, irreverent in the face of domestic and international economic woe. But just before the precipice, in that moment before the gravity of the inevitable takes hold, there is a pause, pregnant with curious anticipation for how the pageant of familiar rituals will unfold on this particular circuit of the celestial orbs.

Oh yes, my Bonnie Spheremates, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening. Once again we will gather around our communal hearth, (this week) welcoming a pair of distinguished dignitaries from the North Land, and squeezing out the last drops of Indian Summer before we settle into the season of gathering gourds and decking avenues with artificial wishing stars. To celebrate, we humbly offer our usual mix of low expectation, alchemical musings and mélange of familiar strangers, seasoned with the pleasure of your presence.

Cocktails will be served at 7.30pm. Please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your primary venue . . . or to linger indefinitely.

The Cabana Boys

The Haberdashery
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA  94710

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Come As You Are - Turning it up to

Dear Lost Souls,

   The celestial spheres synchronize in a convergence of geometry and numerology,
   As the hands of time align in their gyrating dances of whimsy,
   Tapping a playful staccato in homage to the contrivances of Man,
   And so, a moment's pause to appreciate the ballet and mark the passing of the ages.

Oh yes, my Bonnie Spheremates, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday Evening . . . in solemn observance of Nigel Tufnel Day, when a maximum of 10 simply will not suffice. So, in his honor, we will be turning it up to 11 . . . 11/11/11 that is . . . and at 11 seconds after 11:11pm on 11.11.11 (that is: 11:11.11,11.11.11), in a magnificent moment of numerical ecstasy, the heavens will part above the Haberdashery’s Communal Hall, and we will lift a toast together with our patron saints, Serendipity and Contrivance, paying homage to Nigel, with a dram of his favorite drink (Glenlivet), for teaching us to think beyond the crippling limitations of the decimal system. Himself a Lost Soul of the truest calling, Nigel is on record as stating that if he had not pursued a musical career, he likely would have joined the field of haberdashery. A coincidence??? . . . I think not! Nigel has yet to confirm his attendance.

Watch the countdown! :

Cocktails will be served at 7.30pm. Please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to all of the other Nigel Tufnel celebrations you will be attending . . . to remain with us for the celestial breach . . . or to linger indefinitely.

The Cabana Boys*

Other references:

P.S. We are pleased to announce the launch of the CAYA Blog at: .  Check out the email archive dating back to 2001.

The Haberdashery 2.0 is located at: 2124 5th Street, Berkeley, CA
Between Alston and Addison just off the University Avenue (UC Berkeley) exit
. . . easy access from San Francisco . . . just across from the Berkeley Bullfighting Association.

* No bulls, bears or cabana boys were harmed in the preparation of this email.

To help you recall the long season of our contentment . . . The Haberdashery 1.0; from 1999 to 2004 . . . Five years you’ll never get back!:
be sure to peruse the photo galleries.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

SPAM CHECK - Indian Summer

Dear Lost Souls,

It’s time for the first SPAM Check - Simply hit reply (no message required) to stay on the Friday Cocktail Hour list.
E’ il momento per il primo controllo per SPAM - Basta colpire Rispondi (nessun messaggio richiesto) per rimanere nella lista per il Cocktail Hour.

Your physical attendance at Cocktail Hour is not required to remain a valued part of our Community, and to stay on the list . . . you don’t even have to be on the same continent. However, so as to ensure that this weekly email has not become a nuisance to you, if we do not get a return acknowledgement from you, I will remove you from the list.
La tua presenza fisica non è tenuto a rimanere parte della nostra Comunità, e per rimanere nella lista. . . non hai nemmeno bisogno di essere nello stesso continente. Se non si ottiene un riconoscimento ritorno da te verrà rimosso dalla lista in modo da garantire che questa e-mail settimanale non è diventato un fastidio per voi.


Oh yes! my aboriginal ‘aberdites . . . Cocktail hour is on for this Friday evening! It’s been another spectacular Indian Summer in the Bay Area . . . and it seems to be hanging on well into November. To show our approval . . . and to honor the noble Ohlone Tribe; on whose sacred grounds the Haberdashery has erected its communal hall . . . we will be hoisting a few of our favorite alchemical incarnations . . . incantations . . . fabrications . . . combinations and affectations; served up . . . and chilled, in a lighter pail of shade. Cast off the profunctity of current occupations, and join us for some idle prattle. Your weekend starts at the top of the steps . . . in good company and a vacuum of adult supervision. Please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your cause célèbre . . . or to linger . . . indefinitely . . .

The Cabana Boys*

P.S. We are pleased to announce the launch of the CAYA Blog at: .  Check out the archive of emails dating back to 2001. Join the blog to stay up to speed on the latest content additions.

The Haberdashery 2.0 is located at: 2124 5th Street, Berkeley, CA
Between Alston and Addison just off the University Avenue (UC Berkeley) exit
. . . easy access from San Francisco . . . just across from the Berkeley Bullfighting Association.

* No bulls or bears (oh my!)  were harmed in the preparation of this email.

To help you recall the long season of our contentment . . . The Haberdashery 1.0; from 1999 to 2004 . . . Five years you’ll never get back!:
be sure to peruse the photo galleries.