Thursday, May 31, 2012

No Cocktail Hour This Week; In Support of the Arts

Spring has sprung
The grass is Ris
I wonders wheres’
the birdies is
There will be no Cocktail Hour this week . . . as Los Cabañero will be attending various events in support of the arts . . .
Namely the Oakland Art Murmur, and the Flux Foundation Fundraiser, at American Steel in West Oaktown, for their Black Rock City contribution.
 . . . or . . . perhaps a DJ in the Big City at ReGrooved.

We send you out into this Great Big Funky World to first do no harm . . . and all the rest is Gravy!

Los Cabañero

P.S. This weeks Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to October 9th, 2003; Ach Du Lieber Wienerschnitzel!

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T: 510.229.2970

Thursday, May 24, 2012

CAYA; Terra Firma

Dear Lost Souls,

This past week, earthquakes rocked the Haberdashery's former home in Ferrara, Italy. There was relatively little damage and loss of life, but any is too much, and we are reminded of the fragility of our temporary sojourn on this volatile lump of rock hurtling heedlessly through the cosmos. Our hearts go out to our fellow Haberdites in the Ferrara area, and as California residents, we touch wood that the Fates continue to smile ambivalently upon our Bay Area terrestrial home. Live thee this day that none will say it was wasted!!

Yes, my Compatriotic Cosmonauts, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday Evening. And so we gather once again beneath a paler shade of light to mark the seven passing of our brightest star. 'Tis as good a moment as any to take stock of our good fortune, rejoice in the beauty and grace that we enjoy in this, one of the most extraordinary corners of the earth, and forget not that we are the benefactors of a dynamic equilibrium that is tested with each circuit of the Sun. Now let us lift a glass to Terra Firma, Mother Earth . . . and Gaia's gifts that sustain us through our ephemeral journey across this vast and timeless universe.

Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm. As always, please feel free to stop for a quickie en route to your primary Friday evening venue, or to linger indefinitely . . .

Los Cabañero

P.S. This weeks Haberdashery 1.0 Flashback takes us back to November 20th, 2003; Pyramids 101

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710

Thursday, May 17, 2012

CAYA; Your Pound of Flesh

Dear Lost Souls,

Since the dawn of time, we have gathered in small bands around a glowing hearth to celebrate the ritual nourishment of our souls; passing the cup, breaking bread and sharing our common mythologies. Now once again, while we slumbered through darker days of winter's promise, Barbecue Season has slipped unannounced into the contemporary hemisphere of our collective consciousness . . . and now with the presidential campaign in full swing, what better way to burn off some partisan steam than by joining together for a community roasting or skewering of your favorite stuffed sausage, beef cake, marinated vegetable, fatted swine, or skirt steak . . . you can fill in the names where you like.

Yes, my Nubile Neanderthals, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening. You are invited to join us for the first official Haberdashery Barbecue of 2012. The communal grill will be fired up by 7:30pm. We will have some common victuals and grill items, but you are invited to contribute your pound of flesh to the mix. Even if you are not up for a barbecue, please stop by and help us celebrate this ancient and primeval rite of seasonal passage . . . and perhaps share one of your own stories from your hunter/gatherer days! . . . oh those were good times!

Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm. As always, please feel free to stop for a quickie en route to your primary Friday evening venue, or to linger indefinitely . . .

Los Cabañero

P.S. This weeks Haberdashery 1.0 Flashback takes us back to April 8th, 2004; My Guinness!! It's Good Friday!

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T: (510) 229 2970

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Haberdashery Imitating Life . . . Imitating Art, Imitating Life

Dear Lost Souls,

This Saturday and Sunday, our own resident artist and furniture designer Andrew Levine, Fffh.D. will be displaying his work in the Diamonds in the Rough exhibition at American Steel Studios in West Oakland. On Saturday night we are planning on attending the show in force to enjoy the manifestations of creativity, industry, innovation and debauchery with all of the hippies, harlots, and heathens of the Burning Man Tribe . . . . propagated, proliferated and punctuated with fire spinning, silk dancing, and voluminous belches of flaming propane plasma projectiles. I'm tellin' ya . . that's just how these people do things!

Yes, my Dandy Warhols, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening . . . and though the Painted Ladies are hanging out at the Show for the weekend . . . along with the Lite Brite Coffee Table and the Buddassa Lamp . . . the illuminated heart of
FlipSide Furnishings will still be in attendance, languidly lounging beneath a brighter pale of shade . . . swishing, wishing, stirring, and blurring the lines . . . in the alchemical laboratory we call the Haberdashery. Let us see what we can whip up for you! So, Come As You Are, linger as you may, and want not for the fickle bird that is the 'morrow's mistress.

Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm. Please feel free to stop for a quickie en route to your primary Friday evening soiree, or to linger indefinitely . . .

Los Cabañero

P.S. This weeks Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to September 5th, 2002; Off to the Dried Plum Fesitval!!

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T: 510.229.2970

Thursday, May 3, 2012

CAYA; The Summoning of the Supermoon

Dear Lost Souls,

Thanks to all for a great showing at the Jellyfish Gallery last week. DJ Mr. Fabulous lived up to his namesake and cranked out an amazing second set with El Dave, our visiting bass player from the Oaktown Symphony. They put on an inspiring show and we will hope to get them both back soon . . . before they catapult into superstardom!

And so we return to our oh-so humble, but comforting, canopy of dreams in the western extremities of Mother Bezerkeley. This weekend we have summoned forth a celestial extravaganza of cosmic proportions. To properly celebrate CAYA's return to the East Bay, we are presenting an appearance by the
"Supermoon"; the largest full moon of the year . . . with a spectacular accompaniment of meteor showers thrown in for good measure! Please, there is no need for any special gratitude. That is just how we roll at the Haberdashery . . . Go big or go home!

Yes, my Loquacious Lunites! . . . Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening. Join us as we toast our special guest
Artemis, bidding her to linger a while beneath the languid light of our low expectations. Our Mixology Minions will be on hand to guide you through the rituals of celestial homage, and deliver you beyond the toils of another week in pursuit Sisyphus's follies . . . in whose honor we will be pushing cocktails 'on the rocks'.

Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm. Please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your primary pagan pow wow . . . or to linger indefinitively, indubitably and  . . . indiscriminately.

Los Cabañero

P.S. This weeks Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to December 20th , 2001; Holiday Cocktails II; Carnage at the Dry Bar!