Friday, February 27, 2015

CAYA; Only 346 Days to Go! . . . Thank you All!

Dear Lost Souls,

There are only 346 days to go until Mardi Gras 2016! . . .
start your training before it is too late! . . . beat the rush!

Many thanks to all of you for helping make Mardi Gras 2015 a big success. Particular thanks to the outstanding musicians who provided a full day, and practically endless variety, of great tunes and informal jams. You made an invaluable contribution and were the beating heart of the party. Special thanks to our core team and Board of Directors who provided critical financial and logistic support . . . including Billy, Bernie, Leonard, Zack, Andreas, Erin, Greg McCrea, and Jim Larson (provider of the keg!!!) . . . and a particular shout of gratitude to Bob Fukushima whose skilled help with the prep, cooking, and phasing of the food we could not have done without.

Oh yes, my Exhausted Epicureans, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening. Cocktails will be served at 7.30pm. As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your primary Friday evening fête . . . or to linger indefinitely!

Los Cabañeros

!! Please drink responsibly and arrange for safe transportation !! . . . your well-being is our first priority!

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to February 14th, 2002; CAYA - 362 Days to Go!! - Beat the Rush
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA blog, and register for email updates:

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710

Friday, February 20, 2015

Bon Ton! . . . Mardi Gras 2015 at the Haberdashery is tomorrow!

Dear Lost Souls . . .

The party is getting started! Yes, Cocktail Hour is on for this evening. If you'd like to learn the age old secrets of Cajun Cooking and help chop chop . . . please join us for the Taming of the Roux this evening! Otherwise we will hope to see sometime tomorrow . . .  when Haberdites from near and far will gather to celebrate Mardi Gras . . . CAYA Style! The shhhhhhedule:

Friday, Feb. 20th

  • 7:30pm – 12:00am – The Taming of the Roux (CAYA Cocktail Hour, Saturday prep, and a Cajun cooking primer)
Saturday, Feb. 21st
  • 11:00am – 10:00pm – all-day Mardi Gras Party including live music jams, DJ Mr. Fabulous, & plenty-o good food . . . plus Lagniappe!
  • (3:00pm – 7:00pm) – Primary period of feasting!
Come Join the CAYA Gumbo!

Gumbo is not just a dish . . . it is a ménage of flavors, people and ideas. Come experience the Haberdashery's brand of social alchemy and Loooousiana hospitality first hand. Musicians, be sure to bring along your instruments! We are scheduling sunny weather and there will be lots of live music jamming in the back courtyard. DJ Mr. Fabulous will also be on hand to spice up the mix. WARNING: Please be prepared to shake your booty . . . this is not a drill.


  • Friday evening, Feb. 20th: There will be Friday Night Cocktail Hour as usual. For those of you interested in the Festival of the Roux, and other cooking secrets from The Big Easy, this is the time to come. Chop, chop chop!! WARNING: Friday night can be detrimental to Saturday . . . and should be taken in moderation, particularly if your intent is a full-on Saturday.
  • Saturday, Feb. 21st: This is an all day affair . . . give or take a day . . . so feel free to come and go as you please; children are more than welcome; particularly during the daylight hours (before  bedtime). In the morning, beginning whenever we crawl out of bed, there will be Mimosas, Screwdrivers and Bloody Mary's for those that venture out before noon . . . or whenever. We will start the primary serving of food in the mid-afternoon. There will be the usual fair of Gumbo, Jambalaya, Red Beans & Rice, etc. . . . whenever they are ready . . . and of course, lagniappe . . . yea, yea . . . and there will be LOTS of bread pudding for the ladies.

WHAT TO BRING: . . . Hurricanes are in the forecast  . . . but your favorite beverage contribution is much appreciated, so please bring along beer or other libations to share (we will have coolers and ice on hand). There will copious amounts of food, beads, and Hurricanes. There will also be plenty 'o munchies, but if you are feeling particularly motivated, feel free to add a little something extra (lagniappe!)! . . . but, for GOD SAKE, please take home your beads!!! They are our Mardi Gras gift to you!!

Musicians! - Bring your instruments. There will be live music galore!
Amateur photographers! - bring your cameras . . . there will lots of colorful scenes to record!

DRESS CODE: Well! . . . there is no dress code, and you can wear whatever the hell you want . . . but this IS Mardi Gras . . . so festive attire is appropriate! In general, this could mean carnival masks, and/or your favorite colorful wig . . . pull out that old sequined party dress (e.g. flapper style), a boa, feather tiara . . . a dapper hat or sport coat . . . Seersucker is always encouraged! HOPPE style! . . . or just show up in jeans and a t-shirt!!!! . . . the point is to relax and have a good time. We will have lots of beads and other parade trinkets on hand to accessorize! . . . which you WILL take home!
As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie . . . on Friday or Saturday; or to linger indefinitely.

Los Cabañeros

!! Please drink responsibly and arrange for safe transportation!! . . . your well-being is our first priority!

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to February 6th, 2002; CAYA; Mardi Gras 2002
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA blog, and register for email updates:

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T: 510.229.2970

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bon Ton! . . . You are Invited to Mardi Gras 2015 at the Haberdashery - February 21st!

Dear Lost Souls . . .

The End is Nigh! . . . but in the mean time . . .  Mardi Gras 2015 at the Haberdashery is just around the corner!! This is your official invitation to join us on 2/21 for our annual Fête Extravaganza! Of course, Cocktail Hour is also on for this Friday evening; usual time and place ... but don't take your eye off the ball of next weekend, when the Haberdashery Community will gather to pay homage to the royalty of Carnival! Here are some details for you to ponder!

Friday, Feb. 20th

  • 7:30pm – 12:00am – The Taming of the Roux (CAYA Cocktail Hour, Saturday prep, and a Cajun cooking primer)
Saturday, Feb. 21st

  • 11:00am – 10:00pm – all-day Mardi Gras Party including live music jams, DJ Mr. Fabulous, & plenty-o good food . . . plus Lagniappe!
  • (3:00pm – 7:00pm) – Primary period of feasting!
Come Join the CAYA Gumbo!

Gumbo is not just a dish . . . it is a ménage of flavors, people and ideas. Come experience the Haberdashery's brand of social alchemy and Loooousiana hospitality first hand. Musicians, be sure to bring along your instruments! We are scheduling sunny weather and there will be lots of live music jamming in the back courtyard. DJ Mr. Fabulous will also be on hand to spice up the mix. WARNING: Please be prepared to shake your booty . . . this is not a drill.


  • Friday evening, Feb. 20th: There will be Friday Night Cocktail Hour as usual. For those of you interested in the Festival of the Roux, and other cooking secrets from The Big Easy, this is the time to come. Chop, chop chop!! WARNING: Friday night can be detrimental to Saturday . . . and should be taken in moderation, particularly if your intent is a full-on Saturday.
  • Saturday, Feb. 21st: This is an all day affair . . . give or take a day . . . so feel free to come and go as you please; children are more than welcome; particularly during the daylight hours (before  bedtime). In the morning, beginning whenever we crawl out of bed, there will be Mimosas, Screwdrivers and Bloody Mary's for those that venture out before noon . . . or whenever. We will start the primary serving of food in the mid-afternoon. There will be the usual fair of Gumbo, Jambalaya, Red Beans & Rice, etc. . . . whenever they are ready . . . and of course, lagniappe . . . yea, yea . . . and there will be LOTS of bread pudding for the ladies.
WHAT TO BRING: . . . Hurricanes are in the forecast  . . . but your favorite beverage contribution is much appreciated, so please bring along beer or other libations to share (we will have coolers and ice on hand). There will copious amounts of food, beads, and Hurricanes. There will also be plenty 'o munchies, but if you are feeling particularly motivated, feel free to add a little something extra (lagniappe!)! . . . but, for GOD SAKE, please take home your beads!!! They are our Mardi Gras gift to you!!

Musicians! - Bring your instruments. There will be live music galore!
Amateur photographers! - bring your cameras . . . there will lots of colorful scenes to record!

DRESS CODE: Well! . . . there is no dress code, and you can wear whatever the hell you want . . . but this IS Mardi Gras . . . so festive attire is appropriate! In general, this could mean carnival masks, and/or your favorite colorful wig . . . pull out that old sequined party dress (e.g. flapper style), a boa, feather tiara . . . a dapper hat or sport coat . . . Seersucker is always encouraged! HOPPE style! . . . or just show up in jeans and a t-shirt!!!! . . . the point is to relax and have a good time. We will have lots of beads and other parade trinkets on hand to accessorize! . . . which you WILL take home!

As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie . . . on Friday or Saturday; or to linger indefinitely.

Los Cabañeros

!! Please drink responsibly and arrange for safe transportation!! . . . your well-being is our first priority!

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to March 5th, 2003; CAYA; Mardi Gras 2003
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA blog, and register for email updates:

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710

Thursday, February 5, 2015

CAYA; The Short And The Long Of It

Dear Lost Souls,

15 days to go until the Haberdashery Mardi Gras Extravaganza. Have you picked out your party dress? Have you ordered your King Cake? Is your liver in top form? have you started to fast? Yes, February is a short month, but we plan on making it long on good food, quality company, and great music. As a small preview of the great day, we will be having a small gathering to tip a glass, tell a tale, and sing a song in modest preparation for the main event on 2/21. You can't be too prepared!

Yes, my Thirsty Thespians, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening. Cocktails will be served at 7.30pm . . . low or high, shaken or stirred, neat or rocky . . . the fulfillment of your alchemical desires is at hand. As always, please feel free to swing by for a quickie en route to your primary Friday evening soiree . . . or to linger indefinitely!

Los Cabañeros

!! Please drink responsibly and arrange for safe transportation !! . . . your well-being is our first priority!

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to February 5th, 2004; CAYA; T-16 Days and Counting
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA blog, and register for email updates:

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710