Friday, July 22, 2016

CAYA; Make Friday Great Again!

This week's CAYA occurs at a moment of crisis in our nation. The political and media establishment have THREATENED and divided REAL AMERICANS from our RIGHT to a fun filled weekend! I mean, there's something going on there! I can tell you, the Haberdashery is the ONLY solution to combating this legacy of criminal-level boredom and divisive weekday oppression. We are the ONLY place where you can have fun on a Friday, and the ONLY option for getting THE BEST … REALLY FABULOUS … I mean you are NOT gonna believe how GREAT they are … custom crafted adult beverages. So, to make Friday GREAT again, and protect YOU, we are immediately suspending your right to attend any other social events with your other friends who, if they do not grasp the magnitude of this danger, are not fit to host you!

Yes, my Puffed-Up Proletariats, Cocktail Hour is on for this Friday evening, and you are invited to goose step over to the Haberdashery’s hallowed hall to rally behind this week’s platform of self-referential pomposity. It’s gonna be AMAZING! Cocktails will be served at 7.30pm. Please feel free to slither on by for a quickie en route to your primary convention, or to linger indefinitely.  

Los CabaƱeros

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to September 27th, 2001; CAYA – Cocktail Hour Returns
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA blog, and register for email updates:

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T: 510.229.2970

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