Friday, March 24, 2017

CAYA; Our Democratic Experiment

Dear Lost Souls,

In what appears to be a never ending roller coaster of intrigue and scandal ... our fragile experiment in American-Style democracy has been going through more than its share of evolutionary awkwardness and confusion ... perhaps it's our 21st century adolescence. To ease the situation, the Haberdashery invites you to enjoy an evening of relaxation and repose from the insanity, as we huddle together in the tranquility and comfort of the Haberdashery's dappled shade and shadow ... sipping adult beverages and reminiscing about simpler times.

Yes, my Recalcitrant Rabble Rousers, Cocktail Hour in on for this Friday evening. Cocktails will be served starting at 7:30pm. As always, please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your primary soiree … or to linger indefinitely.  

Los Cabañeros

!! Please drink responsibly and arrange for safe transportation !! . . . your well-being is our first priority!

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us to March 21st, 2002; CAYA - The Eternal Struggle
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA blog, and register for email updates:

The Haberdashery is located at:
2124 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T: 510.229.2970

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