Friday, April 24, 2020

CAYA in Place; Liberate The Haberdashery! 😷

Dear Lost Souls,

Greetings from the Haberdashery Multiverse! 🖖🏼 Come As You Are . . . and stay where ya'll at!

It is with profound relief and pride that The Haberdashery Board of Directors has announced our strategic implementation of the Administration's 'curio of cures'. We are confident that in the coming days we will be able to smuggle adequate supplies of blue lights and disinfectants to the Left Coast to offer up a 5 gallon keg of New Orleans-style Clorocanes 🌪 to our brilliant band of loyal HarberditesAccordinglywe are planning on a carefully planned multi-day phased reopening of The Haberdashery, doing our part to prioritize and restore the national economy, and culminating in a mega bash next Friday evening!!!! . . . demonstrating that social distancing is a liberal hoax!

Yes my Snooty SnowflakesCAYA is on for this evening. Please join us (at 7:30pm sharp) for a cocktail tutorial, as we shake up the Deep State with our signature Clorotini . . . a delicate blend of ammonia, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, and calcium hypochlorite . . . delicately stirred to prevent premature detonation . . . and garnished with a paper-thin shaving of urinal cake . . . best enjoyed under the restorative glow of dappled blue light. Happy days are here again!

But in the mean time! . . . this week you are invited to join us at The Last Resort from your sequestration sanctuary on our dedicated Haberdashery Zoom channel (Meeting ID#: 510 646 5316) at 7:30pm PST. Feel free to fluidly join the conversation or melt back to your corner of the Multiverse whenever you like. We will maintain the wormhole opening all evening (round'about midnight), or until after the last Haberdite signs off.

We are all making this up as we go. But, with a long pour of compassion, a shot of empathy, and more-than-a-dash of patience . . . though we may emerge shaken or stirred . . . our community of Haberdites will navigate this gauntlet of isolation with poise and dignity . . . and an adult beverage in hand. 

Now be safe out there . . . and above all else . . . be kind to one another, my fellow Haberdites!

Los Cabañeros

P.S. This week's Haberdashery Flashback takes us back to April 8th, 2004: CAYA - My Guinness! It's Good Friday!!
P.S.S. Be sure to visit the CAYA Blog, and register for email updates:

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