Friday, March 15, 2019

CAYA - 150 Years of Better Chemistry!

Dear Lost Souls,

As all good Haberdites know, this year we are celebrating the International Year of the Periodic Table, marking the 150th anniversary of Dmitri Mendeleev's groundbreaking work visualizing the chemical universe. This week, in particular, we want to give special recognition to the magical combination of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen as they bond to form ethanol, so facilitating our signature hand-crafted cocktails and home brews. Better living through good chemistry is a worthy endeavor, and tonight is your chance to toast the many geniuses and dilettantes who have paved the way for The Haberdashery to celebrate of our weekly communion. We are not drinking ... we are learning!

Yes, my Charismatic Chemists, CAYA is on for this evening. Cocktails will be served at 7:30pm. please feel free to stop by for a quick bit of enthalpy en route to your primary alchemical rendezvous, or to linger indefinitely as a catalyst for covalent bonding.

Los Cabañeros

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