Friday, March 8, 2019

M-353 Days!!! Start your Mardi Gras Prep Now! ... & Photo Sharing Info (8pm start)

Dear Lost Souls,

Thank you all so much for making our 2019 Haberdashery Madi Gras celebration such a big success!

Many thanks to all of you that made it out on Saturday! Please help us memorialize this year's fête by sharing your Mardi Gras photos in this GDrive folderso that we can include them in a 'best of 2019' album that we are compiling (and to which we can all share access), adding perhaps your name or initials in the photo name (or of a new folder) so that we can acknowledge you. Thanks!

'Special appreciation to all of you who helped with food prep, setup, and decoration!!! . . . and most of all, deep thanks to our gracious and talented musicians ... you were phenomenal!!!! We could not pull off any of this without all of your generous contributions!!!!

With only 353 days until Mardi Gras 2020 ... you'll want to start training now and avoid the rush!

Yes, CAYA is on for this evening my Recalcitrant Revelers! Cocktails will be served at 8pm (note the late start). Please feel free to stop by for a quickie en route to your lenten observances ... or to linger indubitably.

Los Cabañeros

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