Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Photos from the 2020 Mardi Gras . . . That Never Was

Dear Lost Souls,

Behold the charming photo archive* from a bygone era ‘long ago’, when Haberdites hugged, kissed, shared food and drink, and danced cheek to cheek to the rhythms of Mardi Gras 2020. What joyful fellowship did shine from that special leap year celebration that might never have been . . . but for the whimsical dance of the celestial spheres.

But alas, just as the winds of fortune may shift with the whimsy of the fates, so is it that this fine gathering of Haberdite demigods and minstrel warriors was destined to be the Swan Song of The Haberdashery 2.0; a farewell like no otherand with which we could not be more satisfied.

The curtain is closing on The Haberdashery 2.0. If you happened to have been there, we hope that you carry fond memories, and that you will be kind in the retelling. If you missed it, then I’m sure the stories that you hear will be that much sweeter, seasoned with nostalgia. But fret not. ‘The Haberdashery Shall Rise Again . . . and when we do, we’ll be sure to give you a shout! Thank you all for making this year’s celebration the pinnacle of The Haberdashery’s Golden Age.


Los Cabañeros

* A special thank you to Melanie and Shahand for your photo contributions. Our apologies if we missed any other photo credits.

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